If communication is truly the root cause of many challenges in the workplace, organizational development program needs to be language-focused.
orgLEARN Linguistic training not only explains how language works systematically in the mind, and across groups in the workplace, but also teaches your team a range of specific words, phrases, and strategies to implement as solutions to the linguistic challenges they face in their own areas of work.
Online Learning
Take Memra's online course, Harnessing the Power of Language to Master Workplace Communication. This course, created in partnership with Aspire Talent Group, is a simple and affordable way to deepen your understanding of language and how it impacts the workplace. Enroll today as an individual for $99, or as a team for a discounted $49/license.
$99 individual rate
$49 discounted team rate
Five part series
Gain a groundbreaking perspective on language and communication. Equip yourself with strategies to identify and break down language barriers that hinder effective communication, redefine these elements, and leverage language as a powerful technology for achieving specific goals.
Unlock the full potential of your meetings with our linguistic analysis. Learn about the task-oriented and people-oriented aspects of meetings and discover how to harness linguistic power to achieve better outcomes and foster stronger relationships.
Navigate the subtle connections between language and identity. Learn strategies to optimize both informational and identity signaling functions of language, fostering your authentic self, and achieving effective communication in the workplace.
Discover the language patterns that define collaborative interactions and learn how to overcome breakdown points during miscommunications. Enhance your collaborative skills and optimize your language for better team collaboration.
Full-Length Programs
Memra's full-length, customizable programs are designed for teams. Each program includes 1 to 2 Keynote-style interactive presentations, activity guides for practicing new language patterns during 1:1 meetings, and a discount for individual linguistic analysis and language strategy development for individual team members who want to go deeper.
Combinations Packages strategically link programs together to create series-style organizational development.
Choose from 4 full-length programs
1-3 hours each
Combination packages available
FULL-LENGTH PROGRAMS $1,500 - $3,500
Optimizing Workplace Communication for People Managers
Learn how language shapes identity, builds trust, and facilitates relationships.
Develop conversational strategies for disagreement, complaining, collaboration, and more.
Optimizing Workplace Communication to Enhance Belonging
- Learn how language shapes identity, builds trust, and facilitates relationships.
- Develop conversational strategies for inclusive language and advocacy.
Optimizing Workplace Communication for Leadership
- Learn how language shapes identity, builds trust, and facilitates relationships.
- Develop conversational strategies for advocacy and leadership.
Optimizing Communication to Increase Emotional Intelligence
- Learn how language shapes identity, builds trust, and facilitates relationships.
- Develop conversational strategies for emotional regulation and disagreement.
Language & Management Program
Language & Power Program
Language & Belonging Program
Language & Feelings Program
Language & Power Program
Language & Management Program
Language & Power Program
Language & Belonging Program
Language & Feelings Program
Custom Training
Design a custom learning experience by mixing and matching Memra’s Short Learning Modules. 10-30 min long each.
Perfect for combining with team building days, leadership retreats, and organizational book clubs, these short modules are a great way to see what language-focused training is like.
10 short learning modules
10-20 minutes each
Mix and match
SHORT LEARNING MODULES $500 - $700 / module
Learning Objective: Participants learn how to solve pervasive communication challenges by reframing language as a technology.
Learning Objective: Participants learn how to have more productive meetings by exploring the three functions of meetings and their linguistic structure: Planning (future), Reporting (past), and Problem-Solving (present).
Learning Objective: Participants learn how to identify and mitigate the three linguistic features of conflict talk: Normal sentence structure while disagreeing (reversing syntactic preference structure), Stealing and repeating phrases (co-opted language), and Expressing strong feelings (markers of subjective stance).
Learning Objective: Participants will learn (1) how to define collaboration based on different linguistic patterns, (2) the parts of collaboration that tend to cause breakdown and miscommunication, and (3) strategies for optimizing team collaboration.
Learning Objective: Participants will learn how leaders actually lead in real time be examining the three functions of leadership language: Cultivating Relationships (interpersonal communication; linguistic features of politeness), Making Decisions (authoritative communication; linguistic features of power), and achieving outcomes (the interaction between interpersonal and authoritative communication; balancing power and politeness).
Learning Objective: Participants will learn how to use the Four Strategies for Successful Self-Advocacy: Make it about yourSELF, not the company, Minimize the ask, Present one “easy yes” with one “difficult yes”, Appeal to a higher authority.
Learning Objective: Participants will learn how humans use language to reveal who they are to one another (subconsciously signaling vs consciously creating), and often causes miscommunications in the workplace.
We know language is central to inclusivity, but rarely do we make it beyond the “Don’t Say List” when talking about what Inclusive Language actually IS. In this session, participants learn 6 principles of Inclusive Language developed by linguists to apply to ANY conversation in any context.
Learning Objective: Participants will learn about different types of English (Southern English, African American Vernacular English, English, gendered language, etc ), to explore how norms of “language professionalism” can create feelings of being excluded, and what a team can do to foster a truly inclusive working environment.
Learning Objective: Participants will learn why feelings are a good and important part of workplace communication. A linguistic perspective teaches us that instead of being psychic states that control us, feelings are a valuable evolutionary tool for making complex evaluations, which can be leveraged for success in the workplace.
Learning Objective: Participants will learn how to implement abstract “emotional intelligence” linguistically; essentially learning how to be emotionally intelligent through team communication with the 3 key linguistic strategies that encode emotional intelligence.
LinguaZone Language Immersion
LinguaZone is an experiential event designed to help organizations provide employees with access to an authentic immersion experience for practice and assessment of business-critical language patterns (such as Leadership Language, Self-Advocacy, Inclusive Language, Team Collaboration, and Conflict Resolution).
Authentic language immersion
In-person experiential event
Focus on business-critical language
Each LinguaZone is designed around a spatial theme (“the office”, “a networking event”, “a zoom conference”, etc)
Multiple interactive stations require functional language to achieve a communicative goal
Employees navigate between each station at their own pace
Employees alternate between ‘learner’ and ‘assessor’ at each station
Not sure if orgLEARN is right for your organization?
No More Surveys
Language Analysis
Unique Expertise
Analyze what your employees are already saying instead
across systems, departmentS& projects
Memra’s Linguists are a part of your team