Language Does More: Keywords
What are keywords, and why do they matter?
In what ways are keywords connected to inclusive/hospitality language?
Where do keywords get their complex meanings from?
Language Does More: Created by Human Intelligence
How can we tell whether a sentence was written by AI or a person?
Does it matter whether an email was written from a unique, creative human brain, or simple formed by data scraped off the web?
How can we understand our creative ability to write and speak as being separate from what a machine can do?
Language Does More: Gender-Neutral Language
What is Gender-Neutral Language?
How does the historical usage of Singular They impact our understanding of its usage today?
What does language change tell us about society?
Language Does More: Men
What is Standard Male Conversational Style, and how did it become the standard for workplace communication?
Are there any disadvantages to adopting Standard Male Conversational Style?
What can gendered language teach us about the need to balance IDENTITY and AGENCY in the workplace?
Language Does More: Women
Can speech patterns gendered? If so, why and how?
Are there statistically significant differences between the way that men and women speak? Or is it our own flawed perception that men and women talk differently?
If these differences are “real”, how is being aware of gendered speech patterns beneficial to us as workers?