Language Does More: Language People vs Math People
Is everyone either a “language person” or a “math person”?
Is language essential for learning math?
What parts of our brain do we use to learn math vs language?
Language Does More: Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot? (Language Change)
Does it matter that language changes?
Why does the older generation tend to worry that English is falling apart?
What is phatic language?
Language Does More: Dialect Analytics for Marketing Strategy
Language Does More: Dialect Analytics for Marketing Strategy
What are regional dialects and how do they influence individual perception?
What are some tools brands can use to navigate the marketing complexities of regional dialects?
In what ways do language change and linguistic context pose challenges to many Natural Language Processing strategies for marketers?
Language Does More: Created by Human Intelligence
How can we tell whether a sentence was written by AI or a person?
Does it matter whether an email was written from a unique, creative human brain, or simple formed by data scraped off the web?
How can we understand our creative ability to write and speak as being separate from what a machine can do?
Language Does More: Multilingualism
How linguistically diverse is the U.S., really?
Why does the U.S. have such a strange relationship with multilingualism compared to the rest of the world?
How can we re-define what constitutes “professional” language to better take advantage of linguistic diversity?
Language Does More: Collaboration
Collaboration and cooperation are linguistic tasks.
How can we define collaborative conversation by their language patterns?
How do teams fail to collaborate? How do they collaborate successfully?
What are some strategies to ensure effective collaboration?